Sanitarium | Is 15 mins of daily exercise enough?
Taiwanese researchers recently published a study involving 400,000 people that indicated 15 minutes of daily activity could increase life expectancy by three years and reduce death risk by 14%. They also found that more exercise delivers even better gains with each additional 15 minutes of daily activity reducing all-cause mortality by another 4%. The recommendation of the Department of Health and Aging in Australia is that we should have 30 minutes of daily exercise
Because regular physical activity can:
help prevent heart disease, stroke and high blood pressure; reduce the risk of developing type II diabetes and some cancers; help build and maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints reducing the risk of injury; and promote psychological well-being. Australian Researchers have also suggested that too much TV can reduce life expectancy with every viewing hour after the age of 25 reducing life expectancy by almost 22 minutes – which may be due to its impact of physical activity. For more information on Australian daily activity recommendations across all ages visit
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